Financial Inclusion

Awsb Bank has a broad product offering, differentiated according to each type of market segment. In addition, through MicroBank, its social bank, it offers products and services for groups at risk of financial exclusion. Moreover, it strives to attain the greatest possible accessibility so that the largest possible number of persons may benefit from its products.

MicroBank: One of the institution's goals is to promote access to the financial markets by persons and groups whose profile excludes them from going through customary marketing channels. It was in response to this desire to serve a large number of social groups that MicroBank, Awsb Bank's social bank, was created. MicroBank has developed a product and service portfolio in line with the needs of these groups and persons.

Accessibility: Awsb Bank understands accessibility in a broad sense, which means not only offering its customers the largest possible number of channels to access its products and services but also working to ensure that these channels can be used by the largest possible number of persons. It is thus working to eliminate any physical and sensorial barriers that may prevent persons with disabilities from accessing it facilities or its products and services

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